Monday, January 3, 2011

Blessed Day!

Thank you Jesus so much for today. I thank you for the blessing that you have given  me today, I truly feel blessed. I chose to have a positive day today and I had great rewards from it. So thank you my Lord. Lord I thank you for always looking after my family and always protecting us. Please Lord I do need help with my relationship with my mother. I can have all the peaceful good intentions in the world and then she enters the room and then I hardly recognize myself. She seems to get me every time and I am at a loss as to what to do! Please help me in this are a Father God. I love you so much and again thank you for all your blessings that I am so undeserving of, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ok God.....

....I hear ya. I know I have been "on vacation" for a looong while. Time to get back and get serious again. I sooo love that you have blessed me and put me back in Chico. I REALLY love the EastAve. Community church! They are a lot smaller than Calvary and well, it feels like home. Thanks for leading me there! Love ya Dad!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Love You, But Be Careful.

That is what I feel like God was telling me today as I was studying his Word. I honestly backslid yesterday, but brought it all before the Lord today. My reading for the day was Judges 19. What an absolutely horrible story! I am so thankful for the explanatory notes that my bible offers. I honestly did not know what in the world I was supposed to learn from a man who went after his concubine to bring her back home, stayed overnight at some one's house during his trip.While he was there, there were men from the village that wanted to have sex with this traveler, so the traveler's host offered his virgin daughter and the travelers concubine to molest instead of offending his traveling guest. The host sent the concubine out and this woman was raped repeatedly and tortured then left at the entrance of the hosts house. Well, you know the Quentin Tarantino scene that precedes this lovely scene, and if you don't, go get a bible.

So, what are you trying to tell me God? That was my question. Here are my answers:

When the Israelites stopped letting God lead them, they became no better than the evil people around them.
When you leave God out of your life, you may be shocked at what you are capable of doing.
So, I need to LET GOT LEAD ME!
Whenever we get away from God and his Word, all sorts of evil can follow. Our drifting away from God may be slow and almost imperceptible, with the ultimate results affecting a future generation.

I cannot hid ANYTHING from God. He knows when I am backsliding, and thankfully loves me enough to call me out and tell me that I'd better straiten up! I love that God is gentle when rebuking me. I know he is not always that way, but I do appreciate it this time. As, always God is in control and I need to not stray no matter what. The truth of it is, He already knows when I am gonna struggle over something, but I need to constantly go to him, "create a zealous obedience to all Thy commands"

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day". - 2 Corinthians 4:16

Here's to a new day everyday. Love you all my brothers and sisters!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Try, Try and Try Again

This is the true and real love story of God and Cat.

I first remember wanting to find out who this God person was when I was in high school. I mean, sure my mom took me to Sunday school now and then when I was little, but then she stopped. We hadn't gone to church that much when I was just a kid, however the presence and knowledge of God was known in my house. But I really didn't know him. I then met this kid in the 6th grade. He was from the bay area and definitely not like anyone I had met before. He is still this way actually, but I rather like him that way.

I don't remember how or when it happened exactly, but this kid introduced me to Christ. His whole family were believer's and not only did they believe they also went to church every Sunday and even actively participated in worship! Whoa! I thought this family was from Mars. I was hooked though. I wanted to know what they knew, so over the years I purchased this thing called a teen bible and was studying, going to Christian concerts, just immersed myself into the whole Christian lifestyle. Then in college I decided to give my life to the Lord and was baptized. What is sad is that I can't even remember when. This is supposed to be a life changing moment for other Christians in their walk with the Lord, and it was somewhat for me.

That kinda sets the theme for this love story between God and Cat. I am in awe of Him, I run to Him with arms wide open and love Him and then when I am bored or some earthly thing distracts me, I toss Him aside and "pick him up later". I have done that for several years now. Always having a lukewarm relationship with Christ. Only coming back to Him when I am truly in need and there is no one else that I can turn to. I am a very weak individual, not as organized as some, or as bright, but the thing that I know to be true is that God STILL loves me. He STILL wants me. I have treated Him so badly and haven't made Him a priority in a very long time and yet, He still welcomes me back into his arms. What AMAZING love!!

NO ONE besides my parents have ever loved me like that, and I have even worn out my parents at times, probably still do. Christ never tires of me. His love for me rips me at my heart. I am so grateful! I am so undeserving, but so grateful for God's grace and mercy.

I wanted to start this blog to document my continuing love story with my God. The ups and the downs, the good and the bad. Will I be brave enough to post even the bad? Oh, heck yes. I know I am not alone in my bad choices, after all we are all human an ALL fall short of His glory. I can encourage you though and myself to constantly remind myself and others to think of myself how God thinks of me and to NEVER give up the way God has NEVER given up. I Love you SO much papa God. Thank You Jesus for loving me so!
Your Loving Daughter in Christ,
Cat xoxo